I know

Its bordom


Has the world gone mad. Latly it seems like I have to expalin everything to everyone. Maybe I could be missing somthing and getting a bit ahead of my self lately, but I dont think that would explain it.

Its like people just dont understand anything. WTF. I'm not doing anything differently.

ARGH! its driving my insane. Why do I even care so much?

Maybe its all just a dream....

Or maybe Im just desised or to put it another way D-esiesed

I like to medle


when I get adsl, which will proberly be never.

I cant read maps

Now this may seem very irrelavent to some people but to me it means a lot. Today I went to pick my sister up from her friends house without looking at a map. Of course I had to look at it once at the begining of the journy but that was it.

Its been about 12 months since I hadn't had to look at a map mid journey. And hopefully this is sign of more good things.


I watched the football yesterday it was the final. So I thought I would watch it just so I can at least know the rules and besides Brisbane won. ^_^

Its a different game. Its played with a oval shaped "ball" and is a seems to be a cross between netball real football and rugby.

It starts out confusing, but basicly all you have to do is kick the ball through the goal and you get more points. All they have to do is make the ball round and it would be called "handballsoccer".

Take a holiday its free


Its the holidays and to celebrate there was free bear (bucket brand) and free music (afro dizzyact & Pulsator) and free food (hotdogs/bbq stuff) and it was all free and it was at uni.

Everything tastes better when its free. (^_^)

BlogStreet : Thank you

BlogStreet : Thank you: "BlogStreet"

Torn kite

Today I found out that I had lost all my notes for EFB 101 - Data analysis for Business and guess what my test was today. And as things do only get worse I was late asI missed the stupid bus because it left early...

So when did it all begin

1. Have oral presentation but partner doesnt turn up (Company Accounting)
2. Assinghment dies in floppy disk (Government, Business & Society)
3. Homework dies in floppy disk (Government, Business & Society)
4. Loose all the notes for an entire semester (Data Analysis for Business)
5. Bus leaves early <-> I am late for exam (Data Analysis for Business)

The only subject I havent had any problems with is Finance. Maybe becuase I dont have to wake up early for that subject (start 10:00am). Well I guess all I can do now is just get on with it.
Today I decided to run home from the bus stop to see how long it took me. In total it was 4:17 which I was surprised especialy considering my state and I had my backpack on.

I guess it took me about 3 minutes to run from the top of cumberland to brompton. Now all I have to do is get my rulerout and measure how long it is and then I can work out my speed.


Last week it was my assinghment that fucked up, now my homework for GBS died because of a floppy disk. The thing just kept crunching for about 10 minutes untill the whole computer just crashed. Then I had to do all the homework again and basicly only got about 70% done so once again will loose more marks because of a floppy.

Do you smoke?

I think someone just tried to sell me something illegal.....

I was walking home from the bus stop and where I was crossing there was a rusted car parked and as I approached the car I could see someone sitting inside which was kinda shocking since it was dark and the guy looked like an alien. Anyway he asked me if I smoked, I just said no thinking that he wanted to borrow a lighter or cigarette. After about 5 minutes it hit me that in fact he was trying to sell me some weed! (&_&)


Finnaly found a good cgi counter, ofcourse a hosted one would be better, oh well.


Yay I now I have titles. Stupid default settings

If you hadnt noticed its talk like a pirate day then you and your associates have not been talking like a pirate. Shame on you. I say walk the plank, you land loving wench.

Today I was in the park eating my lunch, then all of a sudden a group of tourists turns up and starts kicking a ball around. GREAT! after about 20 seconds of this the ball comes flying in my direction. BAM my only sandwich for the day breaks free from my hands and spreads it self accroos the grass.


What to do.

->I am hungry
->I have no food
->I have been hit by a ball

Normaly I would just smile and pass it off as an "accident". But today my hunger got the better of me.....

The template is now updated.
Looks like the sunset cinema is going to be on again soon, since they have been setting it up all this week. Hopefully this time they will have some better movies on than last year.

Bean Counting...
"aahhhh the pen. The most permanent of permanent writting impliments."

I don’t want to brag or anything, but did you know QUT has the largest single room computer lab in the southern hemisphere (Australian Good Universities Guide: 2003). Yes that’s right we have tons of computers in a single room, more than anyone else in the southern hemisphere (finding a free computer to use is another story). This has lead me to the conclusion that there are many people using this computer lab and therefore many people that would use the toilet. The time now is 5:55pm and I just came back from the toilet. What I find strange is that the tiny bar of soap in there has not been used and the toilets have DEFINATLY been used…. This really annoys me. Don’t people realise that it’s DIRTY and you are spreading your poo diseases, especially in the computer lab where you use your dung hand to adjust your rotating chair!

Another thing that annoys me is people (men mainly because I have never been in a women’s toilet before…. (>_>) who for some unknown reason don’t use a urinal instead piss all over the seat, so that in the event of ones need to facilitate poo urination there’s no where to sit…. Is it really that hard (hehe I said hard) to use a urinal, we all know that the earth is basically just one giant urinal for guys (I did do an essay on it for WWDD). Unless you like shit running down your leg as you “poorinate” is suggest using the giant metal drain, also known as a “urinal” to piss in.

While I’m still in the computer lab WTF is the deal with people with laptops that also feel the need to use a computer. Please stop being selfish. You have your fancy curvey desks dont be a bozzo.

Bean Counting...
Bean Counting...

its much easyer to lie to ur self then it is to others
You Have Been Outbid

I would like to thank all the fools on eBay for outbidding an item that I didnt want, becuase it didnt work and hence worthless. Thanks for saving my $10. ^_^
You Have Been Outbid

I would like to thank all the fools on eBay for outbidding an item that I didnt want, becuase it didnt work and hence worthless. Thanks for saving my $10. ^_^
If it could go any slower I think it would

I have just spent 2 hours and 11 minutes printing stuff out for uni tomorrow. I think the lecturers need to into consideration that printing is NOT a substitute for study and maybe, just maybe trees have feelings too....

Also printing costs money, its not free and 5+ reems per semester hurts.
Bean Counting

I wish I had never broke my walkman. Now I have nothing to listen to on the bus except some ting'y death metal from the guy behind me.

Only if you realy want it

Sorry thats all I have to say.
When I realised

Today I realised how much work I have to do just to pass all my subjects. Its quite a lot. I'm not entirly sure how I actually got this far behind, but what I do know is that I am....

I've figured out (with the help of excel) that I require 8 hours of study per day for 2 weeks to catch up. Now that doesnt realy sound that bad, but for the fact that 8 hours requires many other hours of what I like to call "support hours". These support hours is the time required to feed the studying time. This could include such things as: sleep, food, day dreaming, tv, internet, putting the dished away or even going to uni etc... at the moment the ratio of support hours to study hours isnt very good. 2:1

This doesnt exactly leave very much time to do anything else. Maybe if I could use hypnosis to trick my self into thinking that I have slept for a long time I wont be so tired (and hence not have to goto sleep), and then I will have heaps more time. "*_*"

I went to go see pirates of the carribean yesterday. It was ok movie, maybe lacked a bit of tension, and maybe a little too disneyfied...

In all it was still a cool movie and the SFX were pretty darn good.

These posts need titles

Since my assinghment was late (GBS) they arnt going to mark it. Which means I will proberly fail the subject. Another subject Im doing (Bus statistics) im also not doing so well, but there is still an opportunity to make up for it on the next 2 exams. Looks like I will be spending more time in the library ( '_' )
and since i did for get I better post the address for the blog

beancounting.blogspot.com so yeah, pretty easy to rember everthing

beancounting.blogspot.com <- blog
www.beancounting.tk <- Website
geewhiz@beancounting.tk <- email

oh and before I forget, I got a new domain for the website


Check it out
Got a email forwarder for the domain they are below, tell me which one u like by using that one.

and dman@dnews.tk

is available for D-news related stuffs.
Last month when I bought BRW 35% of the magazine was car ads this time its a little better with only 5 car ads in 130 pages. But there is a chance to win a new Renault Laguna...
YAY! Got another appointment with landrover since I couldnt make it today, for next weekend. If mum cant drop me again then I will just have to catch the bus.
Today I was supposed to goto LandRover and go for a test drive. But that didnt happen.... So now I think I will just try and a kite or mow the lawn which ever comes first, or I could finnish of my homework and not leave it to the law minute.... SO many choices.
Today I got back my finace exam results. 19/30= 63% ^_^

I'm pretty pleased since I only got 37% on the assinghment. So I think I might be able to get a 5 overall for the subject if i keepgoing at this rate. Oh well, I think complaincency will set in next week....
Since this is a weblog I am not allowed to blog
Ok. Finnaly after about a year or trying to use pear scripts to manage my blog I finnaly gave up. And hence we are back here. It is somhow possible to host the file on my website but I havent figued that out yet. But in the mean time this will do. I put a "home" link back so even though the website changes (the address) im trying to make it look like it aint...

I've also started using Dreamweaver to make the website, becuase it handles CSS better than FrontPage and I'm using FrontPage to deal with my picture gallerys beucase of its neat little script. hmmm... Thats three things I'm using.