A Telephone Call

Get a call from a job agency today. So after months of "sorry your application was unsucessfull", I now have some hope. Or rather my efforts are finaly starting to have an effect. It spent most of the time trying to ring back. Rang me, then I rang back, then they rang back.... etc times 3....

Eventually got to talk to someone. They asked some questiontions mostly I answed ok. Two questions I did stutter/answered crap.

  1. What sallary are you looking for? - "anything, I am just looking for experiance"
  2. Do you want to work in insolvency? - "Yeah"
The first question is a stupid question anyway, but I think I got through it without actually saying a figure. The second, very crucial question, was just plain stupid on my part. I should have elaborated and said how I enjoyed the my time in company law, and then state how its an elective and not everyone takes this subject. I actually do truely like company law, its just that I find it harder to understand than tax for some reason. I think its all the legal mumbo jumbo that does my head in. Tax has a lot of legal stuff in it as well, but I am able to deciper it quite easily. Maybe I just need to practice and read a bit more into it rather then just the main points. Get a better understanding of the theory.

Hopefully I will still get the interview.

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