Missing Out

As I work in a record store, there are certain perks. Today we were giving away tickets for 1200 techniques which would of been really nice to goto. They were for customers but if I wanted to I could get some. Because I'm stupid I say, yeah ok, if there is any left at the end of the day. On the other hand I could of been assertive and say "Give me the damn tickets!". Alas, today turned out to be a good day for selling records and the small number of tickets quickly disapeared and by the time I came back from my lunch break. Well, lets just say there was disapointment. Its becuase I especially like free things. It just seems so much more fun and exciting when its free or cheaper then the recomended retail price.

I also managed to finish getting the months of paperwork upto date. Which wasnt as exciting as I thought it might of been. And going to see 1200 techniques would of been a nice way to celebrate..... Anyway, its kinda a releif and now I can work on putting together a more efficient system etc together. Also I finnaly got my stuff from the ATO. It came in a big envelope. Proberly too so long because the senate had to approve the usage of the large envelope.... Ahh, ATO stuff. Now I will have more to read which is also exciting. I like getting mail. Which I am sure I have mentioned not so long ago....

Oh yeah! Dont forget to pick up the AFR tomorrow as there is a free BOSS calander in it (no not the fagy clothing shite....)... Anyway I hope everyone has a nice day at work tomorrow becuase I wont be going. Not only becuase I dont really feel like it but because I finnished all my work and dont have anything to do. Whoo! (apparently...)

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