omg random

The creative process like everything else requires hard work and, the artist to work at and improve their craft by practicing, just like everything else, except you don’t get paid till you are good. My goal or expectation for creativity is no linked to survival, ie. Food and shelter (money) so I can fuck with it as much as I want I am also have no learning in creativity. All my education is apposed to creativity. Maths, accounting, finance, economics and business. But for some reason Like to create and actually publish my work, despite how crappy it may be. I have had a few ideas that I would like to implement over the next few months, and one of those is the puppet show I am working on. The podcast is like a precursor to it, as I can hear myself talking to myself. It’s scary and humiliating, but also liberating to put material out there that can be identified back to myself. Its like a dare, but worse. In podcast 4 I talk about my use of the camera, its not just to make use of monetary investment, but to engage parts of my brain that are not used in my day to day work as an accountant/auditor. The problem with accounting is that it is accounting.... people expect you to be an accounting, as an accountant you have all the information, but you are unable to provide advice that would be creative or risky... the problem is that we are paid by the clients. So we are only going to give advice that the client wants to hear, unless its really stupid or its too much Hassle to mention other wise. Accounting is very subjective. Its like different rules apply to different sections of society and types of businesses. And this is a given. As an auditor of associations, there is always people who have been auditors in these associations, so they have their own idea of what should be displayed in the financials, for example, we do not recognised changes in shares or managed funds until you actually sell them, but the accounting standards provide for a provide for a provision to write off changes in super annuation annuities in financials changes in market value, assuming you are using market value... this is used by large superannuation firms, not small associations...

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