Controled blogging

The problem could be part of two things which I have noticed to have changed. Firstly I've been blogging/D-newsing less which should of freed up more time... the second thing is the mess in the study room and my bedroom. I'm normaly very neat but for the past two months nothing but mess. And I guess I've come to learn to live with it a little, but theres always this little voice in the back of my head telling me to to burn stuff... just kidding he actually lives down the road... hahah I'm so funny... anyway I'm getting quite annoyed by all of this mess. I initially thought that by not spending two hours everyday re-organising my entire life would free up some time, but the mess has made it harder to find stuff, and the smoothness of my opertations has been lacking making me clumsy or something. Well, I think the experimenting must stop. As its probably going to effect my uni results if I keep going, and considering I practicly need straight fives to get my GPA about a certain level I think its wise I stick to what I know.

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