The Cursed Treadmill

Today I went to the gym, just like every other day... But today when on the treadmill my shoelace came undone. Which was annoying and I had to stop. Also the buttons wouldnt work and the speed changed to 1.0km instead of 10... Which has lead me to the conclusion that the first row of treadmills (from the tv wall) is cursed. On another occasion I was in the first row and my towel fell down off the rail and I had to stop. Stopping is bad. Bad mainly becuase you loose momentumn, which then takes time to get back again. And when you are more then half way through your goal time its really annoying. It also seems to cool you down a bit. Which may sound nice at first, but really all it means is you get stiff, which in layman terms is "oh crap my leg has a mind of its own. Mommy help!". [Note: some people call this "cramp" take out the 'm' and you have crap].

So from now I am not going to use the first row of treadmills, becuase I seem to have bad karma with them.

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