MYOA - Mind Your Own Assinghment

Over the past week I have been trying to get some kinda group (total = 2, i.e. its a partnership) together for my MYOB assinghment which is due in 7 days time. After sending of half a dozen emails. My experience with groups so far has not been that good so naturally I kept my hopes down. But I think we may have reached a new low. But then again this could actually be a good thing. So, I suggest Saturday or Friday to meetup and just get the assinghment over and done with. But then he kinda dances around umming and ahhing for about 15 minutes and in this time nothing was said as I was prepared to let him sweat it out until he got up the courage to tell me what he really thought. Apparently he doesn't even care about the assinghment as it is ONLY
worth 10%. And has not even completed the homework (Date Due: 2 weeks ago). So then I concede defeat once again and say that we just do the assinghment our selves and just "reconcile" our answers next Wednesday (the day before its due). Once again I am faced with the reality that group work is a mystical creature that doesn't actually exist.

I also have an assinghment which is due today but I will hand in tomorrow for reasons unavailable.

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