I'm singing in the rain

Today was a long day and conveniently followed on from yesterday. It was raining, so I had to find my rain coat, then I missed the bus so had to walk all the way to the shops to catch the bus and of course my assinghment is due today at 10am.

So I get to uni at 10:45, I get my self a computer and click print. Goto the printer room. I got no credit. Goto the library get some credit go back to the printer room and run the assinghment up to the box 7 minutes late. But I think I got it in on time, they always give a bit of leaway.

Of course as usual there was no bread so I couldnt pack any lunch so I had to go buy some. AAARRRGGGHHH its so expensive. Then I goto my last accounting lecture which was kinda good, not that hard today just some foreign currency transaction translations (spot or avg).

Then went for some more lunch becuase we (Kapil and I) had 30 mins untill GBS. Then it was off to the dragons lair and there was much rejoicing.

And finnaly I had the tutorial for GBS which was crap, she gives us a break, then we come back and gives us some stuff todo, then she buggers off somewhere for 30 minutes so some of the guys left early and when she came back she was quite annoyed, so now shes going to give them zero for not staying the whole time. Which is pretty lame if you ask me.

I was supposed to start studying over the holidays, but since I got a headache and a nice blend of general procrastination and conincidence I got nothing done, now I only have 2 weeks to prepare for my first exam which is for GBS. Its a pretty tough exam, 50% total marks but the main thing is we have to do 5 essays each one 200 words and we only get 2 hours.....

I all ways goto these study seminars and this week there is one on final exams and of all the luck it becomes booked out. ARGH!

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