When I realised

Today I realised how much work I have to do just to pass all my subjects. Its quite a lot. I'm not entirly sure how I actually got this far behind, but what I do know is that I am....

I've figured out (with the help of excel) that I require 8 hours of study per day for 2 weeks to catch up. Now that doesnt realy sound that bad, but for the fact that 8 hours requires many other hours of what I like to call "support hours". These support hours is the time required to feed the studying time. This could include such things as: sleep, food, day dreaming, tv, internet, putting the dished away or even going to uni etc... at the moment the ratio of support hours to study hours isnt very good. 2:1

This doesnt exactly leave very much time to do anything else. Maybe if I could use hypnosis to trick my self into thinking that I have slept for a long time I wont be so tired (and hence not have to goto sleep), and then I will have heaps more time. "*_*"

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